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The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 2107

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The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 1995

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The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 1942

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The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 1946

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The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 1931

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The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 1927

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The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 1592

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The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 1583

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The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 1571

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The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 1569

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The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 1556

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The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 1545

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The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 1541



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